Images loading randomly

Images in my header and other popups seem to randomly show and disappear. I used the image block at first and ran into the problem. Then I tried groups and uploaded an image as the background; same problem.

“This element is visible on page load” is check for all of them.

Here’s the site.

And here’s what it looks like:

Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 10.29.20 AM

Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 10.29.27 AM

Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 10.47.57 AM

And the same problem occurs with the default avatar image which is pulling from the database. This thing is driving me crazy, haha.

I’d love any help (:

Hello Trump I checked the site now I actually didn’t get that part you are talking about.

Can please explain in a very simple form, or do you have any sample site that has same feature :thinking: you are looking faward to add.

You can get back to, I want to be of help.

That’s the problem, it only seems to happen randomly. I’m on the Brave browser if that helps.

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I can organise a Google Meet if you want.

I can see you are actually working on that site currently.
Are you available for meet now so we can get that done ASAP.