Any tips would be great, I checked the docs and searched in here but for what I thought was a relatively simple landing page, the performance is quite bad.
thanks for the quick reply. I’m not familiar with GTMetrix but saw it mentioned elsewhere in this forum.
The Google Page Speed Mobile is pretty bad though. I ran ads that got 2000 visits. Unfortunately, I added Google Analytics late and only have data from the last 10 visitors and the average time on page was 0 seconds so I assume it’s a performance issue.
Ah I see,
Just tested on my mobile and it loads in about 0.8 seconds.
Usually, my page starts to load slow when I am using many dynamic images that need searching, repeating groups with many elements in each cell, unnecessary grouped elements, and “on page load” workflows. You wouldn’t happen to be using too many of those right?
After 2 more tests, it’s saying the image with the coffee and laptop is causing the longest load. How large is the image size? Have you tried using an image compressor to reduce its size? Or converting it to a webp or jpeg?