Input field in paragraph

I am creating a learning tool and for this I need to display a paragraph in this format:
[Target audience] struggles with [problem], and it causes them [pain].
How can I keep the text but allow users to replace the words in brackets with their own words.
Is there any simple way or do i need to somehow format text elements and input elements next to each other and trying to keep the style the same?

Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

Normal fields donโ€™t work? I mean arenโ€™t it appropriate if you added a basic form to get these values from the user?

The idea is to make it more as in a school form, where you can type them in to the text itself. Like this style:

But not sure how to format the input field so it fits well within the text.
Currently I just made a big input field where the user can just change the words themselves but it doesnt look as neat in my opinion:

Also for this method I am not sure how to enable auto-binding without the text dissapearing once they start typing.

This is not achievable nither using Inputs alone nor text elements alone, it could be approached using multiple inputs and texts near to each other with some styling to look like it is one sentence. Also, I am not sure if the rich text plugin could be suitable