Hello, I’d greatly appreciate anyone’s help or ideas here, I realise I’m doing something a bit outside the box.
I have recently made a website on Bubble (unicosts.com) that includes a database of university course prices in Australia. At the moment, I’m using the plugin “Quick Find Search & Facet Filtering” for my search function, which is slow with a lot of courses and only does exact character matching which presents a lot of issues (spelling, redundant words etc).
I want to upgrade to a smarter, more powerful way of searching, and after speaking to some Ai specialists, they recommend SiteSearch360, Coveo or ElasticSearch. These sites can continuously crawl your website for data and index it into their search engine, which is perfect for me as I only have to keep and update 1 database, and the search engine will auto-update.
However, I am doing something reasonably hi-tech on a no-code platform so there have been some issues. I wonder if anyone has any ideas for the following issues from SiteSewarch360. I have contacted both SiteSearch360 and Bubble.io but no luck, though Sitesearch may be willing to try and figure something out.
Bubble.io uses JavaScript, which compromises the functionality of “outsider” scripts, meaning that I can’t use their inbuilt dashboard to add a search bar to my page and then publish the script in my HTML. Nothing happens
To identify specific bits of data about a page that can be used for filtering and sorting (e.g. if a course is for domestic or international students), SiteSearch360 uses the XPath of an element or meta tag to find the data. Bubble.io doesn’t allow the XPath to be used as it doesn’t work, and I would prefer not to put all my data in the meta tags for data security reasons.
Any suggestions are welcome. This is a family passion project/business that we are very eager to get off the ground. It could make a real difference for Aussie and international students in making financial decisions, as it’s not transparent in Australia.
Thank you,