As a web developper I love writing integration tests to ensure my code is still running properly after every commit / deploy.
I used to have docker + selenium and it looks like :
Here is my previous post about running tests on docker (
After moving to Bubble and my app grew bigger it become essential to write tests.
I could have write my own custom code to test my bubble app however
It would be great to be able to create an app that write tests against a bubble app so other people can test their code too !
However a few questions strikes me :
How do I connect a bubble app to selenium ?
How difficult would it be to have a visual preview of a running test ?
How could we have a user friendly interface to write tests ?
Before running a test suite we need to have a clean test database, how could we wipe it before the test ? Or have a separate environment such as version-something
I am pretty sure the bubble team have a test suite don’t they ? @emmanuel
Guys, I wouldn’t use Selenium. As a Tech Lead, we have written a lot of Selenium tests and they all broke and there was no time to fix them. So we threw them away.
I’m a big advocate of no-code tools. Bubble is amazing but there is no testing right now. So that’s why we use, another no-code tool, to test your web apps. On bubble, implementing a page takes 3-4 hours let’s say. You can create 3-4 tests in 5 mins on Preflight.
You can also chain tests one after another.
Here is a quick video to create a login test in 1 min: