Hi philip2,
@grace.hong are there any updates on when we might be able to see parentheses?
Turn parens on under experimental in settings. You know, just like explained in the original post? (Also, that feature works great and solves a great many limitations in Bubble so there’s no reason not to turn it on.)
Apologies, did not see the instructions - I came here direct to atlasproject’s reply and thought I missed the experimental phase or something.
Sorted !
It’s been about a year since the release of the feature. I’m about to start a new project and I’d like to use the feature, but for stability’s sake, I don’t want my app to rely on experiments. Is this feature going to be released has a standard soon?
Yes, we’re working on releasing this feature soon, as part of our expression composer revamp, this quarter!
Fantastic! Thanks for replying quickly.
Hi all! I love the parentheses for math expression!
However, I would like to know if there is a way to limit the number of digits in a decimal number. I would like to have a maximum of two numbers after the point…
Thank you all!
I’m not sure what that has to do with this thread…
but in any case, just round the number to 2 decimal places using :rounded to 2 (or you can use :formatted as, and select a number with 2 decimal places, depending on exactly how you want to display the number).
Hello, we are now in July. Is this feature still experimental? can we relay on it?
We’re working hard on finishing up the new expression composer, which would help us release this feature fully! Stay tuned for updates coming soon
Good to know
Some feedback: I was pulling my hairs out and the root-cause was this experiment. I composed this privacy rule and expected it to , but it actually evaluated to
I turned off the experiment and I was expecting the following rule to show up:
but what I got was this.
Hey all - We just released a new beta feature, the new expression composer, which has an interaction model integrating implicit parentheses. This feature overrides the existing parentheses feature. Please feel free to test it out and offer feedback on this thread: [Early access beta] New expression composer for more intuitive logic!
I don’t see the Experimental Features selection. It must be limited to the ‘Growth’ Plan or above?
Hi @wmazurek - These have been renamed to “Beta features,” and you should be able to access them on any plan!
Hi ! It seems that the beta features “deferred rendering in editor mode” is not available anymore… It has been removed ? Or this features has been publicly released ?
I’m facing very big slowdown in the editor as my app is quite big… Very difficult to work.
Thank you for your help !
Can you release some type of instructions or tutorial? I’m not able to do anything to the parentheses, so I’m not seeing the value? If you can’t edit the parenthesis, then you can’t edit the order of operations and nested logic. I suspect I’m missing something, and I’m guessing it is because I’m not seeing any resource to help?
That’s an old thread. You’d better ask your questions here:
Thanks. Bubble needs a better practice for either taking down irrelevant posts or closing them and a pointer to an update.