Ip Fetch call returns Bubbles Ip

i am using http://ip-api.com/json/ to get my users IP address,
It works perfect in browser, but in API connector it always returns Bubble IP address, i have also tried to Attempt to make the call from the browser but same response, do you know what the issue is ?

Here is the correct data one made from browser

same issue with https://api.ipify.org

I can guess, because when we are initilizing the call its happening from bubble end, but dont worry you can use it in front end theoritecly it will give you your user IP

yah not working for me too … i am using a plugin IP Address to Geo Locaiton it will give you IP address and also geo locations.

but i don’t want to use plugins for this simple Api call, it’s very strange that the Api call from browser is not being made from browser !

I have tested Ipify - https://api.ipify.org?format=json and IPinfo - https://ipinfo.io/json, both return correct ip address when used as data source on frontend. Here are the API setups

As far I understand, whenever we initialize any API call even with “Attempt to make the call from browser”, it still goes through Bubble server at the time of Initialization. On frontend, it returns user ip-address if we setup correctly. Please check Network Tab under DevTools when initializing the call.

To test on frontend, just use a text element with “get data from external API” to retrieve the data. Also, check the Network Tab.

Note: Under certain scenarios, this API call can revert to being called from Bubble server. Please check the Bubble manual - Adding calls | Bubble Docs.


Just chiming in since I’m interested in getting the answer as well.

How can we then get the front-end value? I tried saving it as a state, but it doesn’t work.

Add a group and set the data source with IP Address API call . Reference this group’s value in your workflows.

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