Everything had been working fine for me over the past couple years…now I am getting an ip address belonging in another country…I do not have a VPN setting on my computer or anything else that would indicate a reason for the inaccurrate ip address.
I notice it throws random errors for me during development. I don’t use it extensively enough in live app to notice. But somethings up as I never used to get any errors from that plugin in the past.
Bubble support said it is because of changes in Google API Key requirements that took place in May 2020, but I was using it in an app that has Google API Keys properly set up since I can use the current geographic location function built into Bubble without issue.
The app I sent as reference in the Bug report is of a type that API keys are not supposed to be necessary, but was also functioning just three weeks ago, so hoping to hear more about other users experiences, if they are currently experiencing issues.
At this point not 100% sure which plugin causing the issue, as checking online, it seems the IP address is correct that ipiphy is reporting, so it may be the IP Geo plugin by Coaching No Code APPs. @romanmg has there been any changes to that plugin that may cause an issue?