Is suitable for my idea?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

I want to build an app which will allow restaurants / off license shops to go on the app and place an order for all of the products that they need (the supplier for these products is the company I work for).
I want the clients to be able to:

  • Place an order (we receive a notification by email of the order or we can track it through our separate view from the app, im assuming I will need 2 types of users)
  • Track the order (similar to Amazon, be able to get updates when the order has been approved, prepared and sent for delivery)
  • Pay via the app
  • The app will hold 2000+ products.

My goal is to be able to put the app up on Google play store and the appstore, ( I want the clients to have this app on their mobiles).

I saw a how to guide here on bubble which is kind of similar to what I want to build (it was the uber eats guide), but I’m not sure if bubble will be able to handle / have all of the necessary features to help me build this app.

Again any help will be greatly appreciated!

Hello @momodenchev96 welcome to the forum!

You can do everything that you described using Bubble :wink:

Thanks for your quick response Carlos!
Any tips on how to get started ? I am a complete newbie :smiley:

Two points:

  1. Considering I already did something like this (and likely many others in here have), then yeah…Bubble would easily let you do this.
  2. You may want to take a look at the many Bubble templates out there. You are basically looking for an e-commerce template where you set up products available and your buyers place orders. There’s a good chance a lot of the groundwork has already been done for you and you can then just customize it as you need to.
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Below a few resources:

Best of luck on your Bubble journey! :smiley:

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