Is it possible to build a app that scales massively on a no coder such as bubble?

Im building two apps currently and Ive always had this question on the back of my mind. Will apps that are built on that scale massively be sustainable ? Im sure it could handle some sort traffic but how much does it take where the system is just unresponsive and slow.

Also, is it possible to get bubble to move a specific server for a certain user to a faster one ? Some of my workflows are a bit slow even though they should be quick.

Not likely “massively”. Bubble is not meant for a platform like Facebook, Instagram, or any other “social intensive” functionality, but for other things like calculations, database control, and efficiency, Bubble can do that.

As far as scaling, you must learn how Bubble works with data. It’s very important you only request the data that you need for your application to work as expected, and be sure the data is protected.

That being said, you should be able to make basically anything you need.

Yes this makes sense. I think you can build virtually anyting on no coders, but on a low scale. So it would be great for a tester product, but for large scaling, that would be tricky. Unless of course bubble can move their servers to a super fast computer capable of processing millions of requests a second.