Is it possible to have multiple input forms on one page which all store the same constraint/category of data

Hi all, I need a little help with a game I am building.

I am creating a page where I have 8 input forms where a user can put in 8 names to play a game.
I have one button on the page called ‘Let’s go’.

What I would like is when the ‘Let’s go’ button is pressed, all the names typed into the input fields are all stored as individual players in the database.

I have successfully made one player’s name be stored into the correct database, but is it possible to have multiple input forms on one page which all collect the same type of data?

clinkk single player names|292x500

Assuming each of your inputs is called input 1, input 2, and so on …
Also assuming you have a data type called player with a name field of type text

Build the following workflow upon click of the button and using the create a thing action 8 times:

Create player
Name= input 1’s value

Create player
Name= input 2s value

Create player
Name= input 3’s value

Create player
Name= input 4’s value

Create player
Name= input 5’s value

Create player
Name= input 7’s value

Create player
Name= input 8’s value

There are other better ways to do this but this one hopefully illustrates the create a thing action given 8 inputs with one button click to create 8 players with names

Hey there @cmarchan,

I really appreciate you replying to my question.

I did try that, but I think Bubble doesn’t allow multiple inputs to save as one thing that easily. I don’t know why.

But basically when I just have name = input 1’s value, the app stores the data fine, when I also say name = input 2’s value e.t.c. it just stop collecting the data.

can you screen shot the workflow you have setup? the create a new thing must be for each input. It wont work if you have the same workflow and keep listing the same field over and over. It would be something like this

Workflow1 - step1
create new player>name=input 1

Workflow1 - step2
create new player>name=input 2

etc etc.

but it sounds like you would be better off using a list of names into one database entry. when you create fields in the data tab you can check the option multiple entries. it would store your entries as: name1, name2, name3, name4 etc…

PS: Welcome to bubble! :+1:

Thanks so much @joseph.farinhas

That worked!

Appreciate the welcome too. :grinning:

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