Is it realistic to create a Saas platform with multiple domains?

Is it realistic to create a Saas platform for online courses?
Is there a programmatic way to partition multi-tenant apps across different domain names?
Is there any way for adding subdomains or multiple domains to your bubble apps?
I want to realize this functionality: Allow creating multiple domains or child applications from a single master application.

I am building a saas right now .
There is plugin called their label , give it a try .
I am not making child apps I am making business pages .

Thanks. I will check this plugin

There is plugin SaasAlias that will help you to subdomain. Checkout


I’m not entirely sure about the need to create sub apps. Ideally, I want each course author’s page to have its own domain.

Their label is the cheapest solution.
So basically if you are making a page in your app called (course) and your domain is×123
You then can hide this urls under your tutors domains but you will need to basically have the control on the Domain DNS.

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