Is there a way of making a button that makes a page?

I am trying to make a site that allows you to make a blog page, and I am wondering if it is possible so that when a person Creates a Blog it will make them a separate page?

If this is not possible is there something I can do similar to this?


I’d look into the new Slug feature and sending data to a different page.

Check out the slug documentation below:

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Okay, thanks!

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Personally I’ve not got my head around slugs.

I suspect you don’t actually need a new page for each blog (as it is called in the Bubble editor).

First set up new data type of ‘Blog’ or similar. You can then have one page with a content type of ‘Blog’. Create a button that

  1. creates a ‘Blog’ in the database - you can give it a reference number by using a random number
  2. navigates to the page. For the ‘data to send’ field, insert the reference number of the BlogPage you just created.

Hope that helps.

I have made it similar so that you select a blog you want to view and it sets it to the currents users Blog Viewing. How can I make a feature where people can send a link to their blog and it sends them directly to there?

I think that’s where the slug comes in.

When you initially create the blog item, you can also set the slug (it’s a different action to the create thing action). You can then create an action to create a link to the blog page using the page URL plus the slug.