Is there any way to prevent publishing between Bubble developers of same project?

Hi there!
It’d be amazing if, a part of using branches for not interfering the Dev branch, if we have two or more developers on the same Bubble project, being able to block/unblock the publication to Live giving a message like “Pending to be tested”. Actually, working with branches is fine, but just for doing quick fixes or changes, (like taking one hour), we think it’s not needed to create a branch but inform to other members there’s something coming on and the whole webpage cannot be deployed. Maybe just a warning that could be skipped, not needed to actually block the publication.

What do you think, folks? Do you see it useful?

A workaround could be creating errors like you do when programming. For example, in C++ you have the #error “message”, so in Bubble you could add a condition whatever explaining what’s preventing to be deployed. But I don’t really like this workaround.

For me, best practice with multiple devs is to never merge into Main until you are ready to deploy your changes to live. Even if it’s a big fix that will take an hour, use a branch. It’s the only way to stay sane.

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