Restrict Collaborators To Just ONE Version Of Your App

We routinely hire freelance developers and we don’t want them messing around with other versions or the wrong version of the app.

We want the ability to restrict them only to a certain version of the developer app.

Like this but a specific version -


Definitely! Bubble NEEDS TO put some love into bulking up the Collaboration tab as @bubble development teams grow.

I would like to see more granular controls at minimum for Live versus Development branches to protect deploying to live and/or protect production data from view. For example:

App: User can view and Deploy / User can view only
Data: No permission
Logs: No permission

App: View and edit
Data: View and edit
Logs: View and query

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We like to restrict developers from accessing the Main branch and making changes.
A setting like “Only dev. sub version” will be very helpful to have strict PR process