I am building an API call that will put the activities the users have created in another system.
I have a specific architecture that this API requires but…
This API is being constructed as we are talking so they need to see how my call would look like before they continue.
So this is an endless loop unless I learn how to create a call I can receive from bubble itself.
The call has to have a specified structure to make this work.
Any ideas how do you guys solve cases like this? How you can get what bubble is sending actually, without sending it. I am looking for a fast method rather than setting up a server
You can test the JSON structure of your API call using the API connector plugin, and you can call an API endpoint which is hosted on your Bubble backend. No need for external servers. Just create an API workflow in your backend and then use
https://[your bubble domain]/api/1.1/wf/[workflow name] in the API connector.
Hi nico.
Can you walk me through how should I do it?
Meaning main steps, as I haven’t exposed my app as an API myself yet, can only call external APIs but just one parameter, never build a whole JSON body.
Have you enabled backend workflows and APIs? This can be done on any paid plan on Settings >> API >> Enable workflow API and backend workflows.