Just a simple like button

Hi guys, i have a simple like button on my app, it is set up like facebook is (kindof)

My problem is i display posts in a repeating group aswell as the button, so when one post is liked they all are. I feel like there could be an easy fix here i just cant crack it.

Any help highly appreciated!

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Hi there, @nrpcrypto7ā€¦ these links should help.


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My problem is i display posts in a repeating group aswell as the button, so when one post is liked they all are.

Are you saying that you want all posts to be liked then one post like button is clicked, but donā€™t know how to do that?

Or are you saying that you donā€™t want that to happen, but it currently is happening?

sorry my explanations are terrible! I mean when like is clicked on one post, because its a repeating group it +1 like to all posts. I only would like the particular post you click on and like to show the like count instead of every post.

I hope that helps ā€¦ thankyou for your time!

Well that certainly shouldnā€™t happen (unless youā€™re doing something very wrong)ā€¦

But without knowing what youā€™re doing, itā€™s a bit hard to helpā€¦

Feel free to share some more info and/or screenshots of what youā€™re currently doingā€¦

But if your like button is inside the RG cell, you can refer to the current cellā€™s post in any workflows, so the ā€˜likeā€™ should only be created for that specific post.

Iā€™m sure Adam will walk you through it, but for what itā€™s worth, literally every one of the links I provided could help you here. Anyway, good luck!

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thankyou i am working my way through your links itā€™s much appreciated!


Im going to have to look into this more, i cant get any screenshots currently but as soon as i can i will get back to you guys! Im sure this shouldnt be breaking my brain but it for sure is :grinning:

I think the problem may arise in the data source of the group where the button is placed or may be the workflow.
The workflow will be like when you clicked the button make changes to a thing and the thing will be ā€œParent group postā€ and change the field.

I hope it will help you.

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