Linkedin ouath profile data 401 error

Hi there,

I am trying to setup Login with Linkedin for my app.

I am using the API connector to connect to the Linkedin API. The authentication piece works and I am able to sign the user in. I would also like to get the users profile information (sub, email, profile picture, name etc).

Within the Linkedin API I have setup a get call to get profile information. The intention is to reuse the authorization token to get this information from Linkedin but when I initiate the get profile API I run into an access error.

There was an issue setting up your call.

Raw response for the API
Status code 401
{“serviceErrorCode”:65600,“message”:“Invalid access token”,“status”:401}

Screenshots of my API setup

Hey @absahni56

Try changing your User profile endpoint AND Get Profile request URLs to this one:[projection]

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Thank you @ambroisedlg .

I tried be URL mentioned above but unfortunately, my accounts does not have access to v2/me yet.

I was able to fix the issue. I had not tried the sign in with Linkedin option on my website and hence was running into this issue.

@absahni56 how did you fix the issue?

The instructions listed here worked for me

Hey @ambroisedlg
your endpoint url doesn’t work. Please let me know how to fix this issue.