List Of Things 10,000 Limit

This is probably dead simple but I’m not sure of the answer.

When the maximum capacity of a List Field is 10,000 does that mean that in that list field the WHOLE of the database is 10,000 maximum or each user in that list field could have 10,000? By way of example if you had 5 users and each user in the list field had 10,000 (=50,000) that is okay.

I’ve attached an image by way of what I’m asking.


The limit is for list fields, which is why if lists are large it is not good

Thanks for that, so if I have 5 users who each have 2,000 entries (=10,000) the list is full. Is that correct. Sorry I’m not well up on fields, cells etc.

No the limit is for a specific list field, so each user has a limit of 10,000. But don’t structure it like that, it is not good for performance reasons. Instead make a new datatype “Favorite” with a field for the User and a field for the Movie.

Then to get a list of a user’s favorites just search for Favorites with a constraint for the User.

Or to get all favorites for a specific Movie you can just constraining to a specific movie instead :blush:

Thanks for taking the time to explain. I appreciate your help.


But its not a good idea to add 2000 item as a list in you user . Searchings will be very deficult.

You cqn create a new entity which have the value and then the user it belongs to ( we call this one to many blinking) because one user if linked with many item. This is better.

If you like i can help you build the database your case, for free

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