LIST OF THINGS different for each user

Hi there!

Its first time building with Bubble, If anyone could help me out!
I think this has to be really easy to solve, but I am now able to know how to do it.
( It’s even difficult to ask about it, I mean to frame the question)

In the app, there are a list of VOICES that all users have.
Then each user can create a new VOICE, that would be added to that list.

How that works? I mean each User has a different list.

I have a dropdown that has to display this list, but not able to make it work

Data type: USER

Data type: VOICE

I am sorry I am so confused, dont even know how to ask for help.
Sometimes I just want to stop this and go to work in a farm without a computer. hahah

All you need to do is to add the specific Voices to the User’s List of Voices field.

You do this using a ‘Make changes to a thing’ workflow action (the thing to change being the User, of course), and then, on the List of Voices field, use ‘Add’ to add an individual Voice to the list.

If you want to add multiple voices at once, then use ‘Add List’ instead of ‘Add’

If you want to overwrite the existing list with a new list, use ‘Set List’ instead.

wow! Thanks for the fast reply!
I haven’t worked yet with lists, so Im kinda lost.

I will try that! I need to clean up the DB to make this work!

thanks again!

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