Live data loading differently than version-test

Super weird difference in how the data is loading between version-test and my live version.

I have a scheduling app and I load about a week of events at a time. If user navigates outside of that timeframe then I load another week of events to add to the repeating group. I use a group with the data source set as date range to track the total time-period I’ve loaded events for so I know when to update the repeating group.

The first time that group’s date range is set is on page load. In version-test it works just fine. Here is a screenshot of the data being set in the debugger:

However, in the live version it just doesn’t load that data to the group.

However, in live mode if I turn on the step-by-step mode in the debugger tool then it works fine.

Things to note:

  • To stress test these we loaded up the version-test calendar with about a thousand more events to load than the live version is currently loading so this shouldn’t be a timing issue.

  • I already tried moving the action to display data in the group to be triggered by a custom workflow to make sure it had all of the requisite elements loaded first. Still doesn’t work unless I run the live app in step-by-step mode.

We had 3 people doing thorough QA in version-test last night without a single error, and it never works in live. It really seems like Bubble loads live data differently than it loads version-test data. If that’s true it’s really concerning because we basically can’t QA in a sandbox environment. I’ve reported this as a bug but have not received a response from anyone who seems to understand what I’m talking about. The only response I got was that it was being elevated because it is related to a "scheduled workflow which it very clearly is not.

Wanted to bring here in case anyone has any insight. This is blocking us from deploying a host of other things we need to get live.

Appreciate any feedback

@fede.bubble tagging you to see if this is consistent with other bugs reported. Also because we need insight into whether this is a Bubble-side thing and if so, when it will be fixed because it’s holding up other features we need to get live ASAP.

Is there anything dependent on your database. For example, do you have certain values in your test database that you don’t have in your live database?

I see many developers modify values directly into the database and then forget to do the same thing in live.

Are there dependencies that are missing?

It’s hard to know unless we can look inside the app. These are just some ideas of what I would look for.

Another option, since you say it works when you do step by step, it might be an issue because front end workflows don’t necessarily run in the order that you build it in. So step 3 might run before step 1 potentially.

I appreciate the response, but it wouldn’t be anything that is dependent on different data in the database. It grabs times that are loaded client-side. I checked the two inputs it uses to get the start and end times from and both of those loaded fine.

Regarding the theory of when different actions fire – that is why I tried to isolate this specific action in a custom workflow and it still didn’t work.

Hmm :thinking:

Just trying to throw out ideas. Hard without knowing the whole picture but I hope at least to give some direction.

Can you share more screenshots of the workflow maybe?

I’m asking the team to see if they have any bug reports that match what you shared here

Looks like your ticket is with our support team and they are investigating what’s going on so they can help you solve this

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