I currently have website.com/blog and if a user enters that URL they get taken to a small landing page with 4 blogposts for each category.
However they can click on “see all” and they are taken to website.com/blog/all-garden (for example), im currently thinking of writing around 50 blog posts for that category, can i load everything at once with image and title only just for SEO and internal linking or is it better to just load 10 and go to “next page” of the repeating group?
Having a /blog/[blogtitle] and /blog/[All_blogs_in_category_list] should be fine in my opinion. The thing you want to be aware of is to make sure that your links on the all_blog_list pages should have the URLs of the other pages. (What I’m saying here is to use a link element in bubble, rather than a button for linking to blog pages so it is very clear to search engines. )
Make a google search console account to see what google knows about your website. Make sure your content is indexed properly. You can manually submit things to google at first to show google you want things indexed.
As far as the “next page” or see all, I think that’s up to you. I think most people would like a “next page” rather than seeing 50 posts.
Thank you for your comment, this is gold worthy for people starting out with the SEO, the link element and not use a button/workflow was something i learned waaay too late and had to redo a lot of my stuff… so thank you for reminding people who may read this later!
Will the load time be super slow for 50 elements in the RG?