Log in workflow for preloaded users help

I am designing an app for my school’s academic center and I have uploaded a csv file with user info including email, name, etc.and am having problems creating the workflow that would allow users to log in with a preassigned password which could be changed later.

thank you


How are you creating the accounts? To create multiple users at one go, you’ll need to create an API and then assign a temp password to each user.

Hope this helps.



I just uploaded all the user info into the app data. Could you possibly explain how to set up the API or refer me to some steps on how to do it?

To sign up users, you need to write an API endpoint that takes one parameter (email) and has the following 3 workflow steps

  1. Create an account for someone else. Here pass the email as the email parameter defined in the api endpoint
  2. Assign a temp password
  3. Send email. In this step, enter an email that you can access and in the body send the email from step 1 and the password from step 2.

Run this api on the user table. You should get a bunch of emails with the temp passwords. Now you can reset each password and set it to the preassigned password.

Hope this helps.



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Thank you for the help the only thing I am having trouble with is how to run the api on the user table? Is it in the data tab, settings tab under api or using the plug in?

So you need to activate the API workflows in the settings tab.Then you’ll see an APi workflow section in your top header (where you see all the pages)

You can create an API endpoint there, and then call this api from the workflow on your page. Hope this helps.

awesome thank you I really appreciate it

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