I am designing an app for my school’s academic center and I have uploaded a csv file with user info including email, name, etc.and am having problems creating the workflow that would allow users to log in with a preassigned password which could be changed later.
To sign up users, you need to write an API endpoint that takes one parameter (email) and has the following 3 workflow steps
Create an account for someone else. Here pass the email as the email parameter defined in the api endpoint
Assign a temp password
Send email. In this step, enter an email that you can access and in the body send the email from step 1 and the password from step 2.
Run this api on the user table. You should get a bunch of emails with the temp passwords. Now you can reset each password and set it to the preassigned password.
Thank you for the help the only thing I am having trouble with is how to run the api on the user table? Is it in the data tab, settings tab under api or using the plug in?