Hey everyone,
im currently a single Founder and i have build my Bubble App from Scratch for over the last 6 month which is 95% ready.
My App is able to integrate multiple LinkedIn Accounts and automates and manages everything which can also be done with LinkedIn.
Im in the process to generate Leads, doing Demos and so on but i realize how time consuming it is to fix bugs, implement features and so on. Im also in the position where im tired to develop more stuff and where im eager to make some money out of the Software now.
Thats why im looking for a Co-Founder who is a bubble Expert and who is able to finish the last finishing touches and who has the knowledge to optimize and scale the App. I will be the one who focuses more on the Marketing and Sales side.
The app is called goshark.ai.
If anyone is interested to join my journey, please shoot me a message with a small introduction, your experience and skills and i will get in touch with you. Feel free to contact me on LinkedIn too.