Looking for a coach (spanish or english)

Hello there,

I’ve been learning Bubble for a few weeks and I’m currently starting my first web app development. I’m interested in someone who can help me with 1-2 hours of coaching solving very specific doubts and reviewing my project. It would be desirable (but not necessary) if this person speaks Spanish. The web app per se and its basic workflows are not very complex, I’m looking for someone who could help me with filters, search box, users management, performance, responsiveness… If you’re interested, please, send me a private message including your cost per hour if possible.


Have a look there:

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Welcome @emcardenal

You can get much of the info you need for free by posting in this forum. Many experienced Bubblers reply to requests for help and the replies are available to everyone. I’ve found solutions to several of my issues by searching the forums.

OTOH, using a coach is quicker and, in the long run, you do less explaining.

Just a thought

Thank you Alan for your recommendation. I know Bubble community is very active (I’ve learn a lot of things and fix bugs just by searching through the forum). For sure I’ll be publishing some doubts in the next few days :slight_smile: