Looking for someone to partner up on an MVP-as-a-service offering

Hi all,

I’ve been in bubble dev for a good few years now, and am preparing to leave a full-time bubble role soon. I’m strongly considering setting up a fixed fee, MVP-as-a-service style product, but would like to partner up with another dev of similar experience to build this out, splitting 50/50 any income generated.

If anyone is interested please give me a message would be great to chat! Also ideally looking for:

  • Someone based in Europe/North America (I’m in the UK and most bubble clients are in the US).
  • Someone who has decent experience building real-world applications for companies who are actively trading

Hey @cha_james !

I could be interested as I’m specializing on Bubble Front-End development.

If you want we could talk about it, I have a few other Bubble dev that would like to team up (they do the back, i do the front).

The fixed price pricing is also a model I’m trying to experiment (as mentioned in this post)

Feel free to send me a DM if you’d like to talk :slight_smile:

(I’m based in Paris)


160 + Components to build amazing Bubble apps —> Nocodable Components

Hey @cha_james … Would love to discuss further. Where can I email you?

Thank you.
Web: n0c0de.com
X: https://twitter.com/n0c0de1

Hey @cha_james - congrats!

While I wouldn’t be a partner in your product (I’ve only been bubbling full-time for 1-year), I’d love to potentially work with your service for help with my Bubble product build. Feel free to DM me when things get up and running — no rush ofc!