Make a daily enroll counter display as a graph

I’m doing a sort of udemy, and I have courses. Users then enroll in certain courses, and I would like a line graph showing daily counts for enrollments. Any idea how do I do that?

Also, does the “Do every 86400 secs” work even when no one is opening the site?

Hi @ikkyu1755,

In Bubble’s chart plugin, you can use the following expression:

Search for Users: group by Creation Date (by day, with an interval of 1). Add a count aggregation. The chart’s value would be the count and the label would be the creation date (which you can format)

The start date can be whatever date you want to start the chart at. In my example, I do another search of users, sort by date, first item’s creation date. Alternatively, you can do something like current date/time :change month to 1 :change date to 1, etc. to do a specific date (or use a datepicker’s value).

The “Do When” workflow event only runs when the user has (and keeps) the page open. It’s not a server-side workflow.

Gaby at Coaching No Code Apps (formerly Coaching Bubble)

Courses & Products, Tutorials, Private Coaching, and High-level Development

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So for example to track the number of subscriptions per day, I just add “sub date” to be day of enrollment, then I just take data source as “channel’s sub grouped by date”, am I right?

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