Making files private seem to break the API connector?

Hello, I am a bit confused about making files private.

So, the situation is this

*** I have an API call se up that accepts a file as a parameter**

Since now I used to keep the “make private” checkbox in the fileuploader element unchecked and everything worked as expected.

  1. A user uploaded a file through the file uploader element
  2. An API call was made with that file as the value of the “file parameter”

Now, if I simply check the “make private” and set “assign this file to” to “Current user” (of which the privacy conditions are pictured below) the API call simply doesn’t work.
It throws an error saying that the file is not valid.

Can anyone explain why? Thank you!

Privacy conditions of the user:

Is the API call to an external service?

If the file is private, no one should be able to view it aside from the user you’ve assigned it to. (Depending on privacy rules)

yes. So how do I sent private files via API?

You could investigate sending the file as base64.

Currently, if you send as and it’s private, no-one should be able to view it depending on the privacy rules.