Migration DB entre deux app Bubble


Est-il possible de migrer une bases de données d’une application bubble à une autre ?

J’ai créer une application V1 pour mon projet et je suis en cours de dev d’une V2 (dans la V2 je ne touche pas à la DB).

Merci pour votre aides.

yes, you can do it, and you can also access DB from another app no need to migrate it there. if you need it on both apps. keeping the data on one place make it much easier to manage.

Take a look on Bubble App connector plugin, you can even link SQL DB directly using SQL Database Connector these bubble own plugin so no need to worry on security and reliability.

Merci pour ton retour, c’est une migration définitive, donc je vais supprimer l’application V1 suite a la migration.

In that case, it depends on how big your previous app DB is, you do need to ask Bubble support for help,

As know I get your point. you can do it multiple ways, exporting each database entity ( using Export and then importing it on other apps using Modify).

or enabling Data API to read data from one app while creating the same data on another app, by using API workflow and bulk workflow.

there are many options, but you do need to be careful. and Do not wipe the data of one app unless you are sure you have it on another app

still doing all of this, there are some chances you need to do a bit of manual work.