Multiple Custom State Selections in a Repeating Group

Hi There,

I have a simple repeating group with a group inside the repeating group cell, with text inside the group. When the group inside the repeating group cell is clicked, I’ve used a custom state and used conditionals to change the color of the group to reflect when it’s been changed or not. I’ve gotten this scenario to work.

The issue I’m having is the ability to select/deselect multiple cells with the use of custom states.

I’ve been trying to use the plus item feature, but I’m doing something wrong.

Here’s what I’m doing that works for selecting a single cell. How can I turn this exact scenario to where I can select multiple cells and the colors will change and go away upon what is clicked.

custom state should be a list of home type

when you click the text to add the type to the custom state list, you should reference as the value
“custom state home type value :plus item current cells home type”

your workflow action should have a conditional set
“when this current cells home type is not in custom state home type list”…use this as conditional on the workflow action to add the home type

to remove the home type from the custom state list

when click text to remove reference value

“custom state home type value :minus item current cells home type”

your workflow action should have a conditional set
“when this current cells home type is in custom state home type list”…use this as conditional on the workflow action to remove the home type

@boston85719 thank you so much! As far as I know it’s good to go, that was the guidance needed to make it happen. See the finished logic and it’s currently working as intended.

My next step is getting all these values into the database when the user is finished with the steps of adding the listing. Question: if the user hasn’t made a listing before, my understanding is you still use “Create a new listing”, do you also use “make changes to a user”? even though they havn’t made a listing before? What are there any other steps needed to prepare for adding multiple custom state values into the database at one time?

depends on your database and if you have a list of listings on your user data type

Hey There,

So, I’m at the point where I want to add all the values from the custom states and create a new listing. My “Home Listing” database is currently empty, Was hoping this can be my first one.

Some of my Add Listing steps you can only select one thing, others you can select multiple ( which you helped me with). Some are inputs. The only lists in the home listing are the different features and images.

A user will have already been signed up and signed in when they get here, they would get to these steps from their main dashboard when they logged in and that’s where they would return when done.

I have stored all the custom states in the page “Add Listing”.

I really appreciate your help.


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