I am having a few sections in a page. I want some links to land directly on respective sections of the page.
How to achieve it?
What I tried:
I tried giving ID to the groups that hold that section and then made the link as “home/mypage#id123”. However, when I click on these links from other pages, just “mypage” opens, and it doesn’t scroll to id123.
However, when I refresh the page with “mypage#id123” url, it does scroll to id123.
Also, when I am on the page already and I want to go to id456 and click on that link, it does nothing. Probably because it thinks it is already on that page and hence doesn’t need to do anything.
I am having the exact same issue, but the different sections are created dynamically (I have passed section titles and sections texts in a data table because the concerned page is used for various files that I am presenting the same way).
Due to this, I can’t properly use the “scroll to” action, because it consider repeting group as an only element.
Is it a way for me to make it my dynamic table of content work ?