Need help scheduling a plan change on Bubble after a plan cancellation on Stripe?

Hello everyone,

I have a small problem at the moment concerning the cancellation of a plan for a user.

I’m using the stripe plugin and I’m using the “Cancel the current user’s plan” action. It works correctly on stripe. However, I’d like to program the cancellation of the plan’s functionality. In my database, this would result in a “Make changes to current user” action with the following field: User Plan = “No Plan”.

However, I don’t want to program this action now, but at the time of the next theoretical payment, which won’t take place (the user has cancelled his plan). We can also use the date of the last payment on stripe + the subscription duration if that’s simpler.

I think I need a workflow backend for this, but I’m not familiar enough with it.

In the same vein, how can I retrieve the date of the subscription cancellation and the date of the next or last payment? I’d like to be able to display it in the user’s billing area.

Thank you in advance for your help, and don’t hesitate to get back to me if I haven’t been clear enough.

Take care,

You need to setup the webhooks into the Bubble and connect with stripe.

Here is how you can do it-

Then you have to catch the “plan cancellation” event . All the stripe event is listed here- Types of events | Stripe API Reference

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Thanks for your answer i

I tried. I have it created, but how specifically execute this action at the end of the current plan, not at the moment the user cancel the plan.

What is the specific attribute in Stripe for that ?



Stripe will call it once plan is cancelled.

Ok thanks. I will try it.

Another question: How I can make sure that I put the change of plan to the right customer (at the creation for instance)? Normally, I should put a constraint with the customer ID (see image - red circle). But when I remove this constraint, it works. When I keep it, it doesn’t work…

Do you have a clue ?

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