Need help to set dynamic value of email in setting page from workflow

I setup custom domain in sendgrid with bubble. Does anyone know is it possible to setup dynamic value from email workflow. I would like to have different in email. not for always
Can Anyone help me? please.

Try leaving sender name fields empty in the settings and in the workflow define the dynamic value in a standard way like: current user’s name.

I tried that. It is only changed sender name in email. admin still set as default. I would like to use dynamic value instead of admin.


This need to be configured at SendGrid Settings.

Not sure if you have configured a Single Sender ID or Domain Level Configuration.

Refer the documentation.

You use dynamic Sender you need a Domain Level Configuration. Once you are done, You can user the dynamic values for Sender in the Email Action Block.

Let me know if this works for you.

I had confirgured with Domain Level. It is work when I changed the name directly in setting page. What I want is to set dynamic value from workflow not changing static value from setting page.

@tech37 Did you try doing this :point_up_2: in Sendgrid instead of Bubble?!

Thanks. Let me try again.

If you have a Domain Level configuration in sendgrid, you can use any email ( as the sender irrespective of the default value set in the bubble domain settings.


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