I setup custom domain in sendgrid with bubble. Does anyone know is it possible to setup dynamic value from email workflow. I would like to have different username@mydomain.com in email. not for always admin@mydomain.com.
Can Anyone help me? please.
Try leaving sender name fields empty in the settings and in the workflow define the dynamic value in a standard way like: current user’s name.
I tried that. It is only changed sender name in email. admin still set as default. I would like to use dynamic value instead of admin.
This need to be configured at SendGrid Settings.
Not sure if you have configured a Single Sender ID or Domain Level Configuration.
Refer the documentation.
You use dynamic Sender you need a Domain Level Configuration. Once you are done, You can user the dynamic values for Sender in the Email Action Block.
Let me know if this works for you.
I had confirgured with Domain Level. It is work when I changed the name directly in setting page. What I want is to set dynamic value from workflow not changing static value from setting page.
@tech37 Did you try doing this in Sendgrid instead of Bubble?!
Thanks. Let me try again.
If you have a Domain Level configuration in sendgrid, you can use any email (abc@yourdomain.com) as the sender irrespective of the default value set in the bubble domain settings.
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