Need someone who knows how to connect typeform with bubble

Looking for someone who knows the basic of Api connection

Who knows how to connect Typeform with bubble app

Who knows how to save the responses of typeform in bubble database

Have you considered creating your from in bubble. Might be easier.

Yeah I know but this is what required by my seniors

So I have to make it in typeform

Pls if you know can you help me

@ananthurg77 Maybe one of these (free) plugins can help you out?

Use the docs of Typeform to interact with the responses:

As an alternative, you can use Bubble’s API Connector plugin:

Thanks for the response

i have installed the plugin in my app but couldn’t get the data from the typeform
and also is it possible to save responses of typeform in the data base of bubble using this plugin
pls tell me how i can save the the responses in my database

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