[New Feature] Fast-searchable server logs now in beta

Hi All,

We’ve just released a new version of the server logs tab for beta testing (see the button ‘New Logs Panel (beta)’ to opt in).

This new version is powered by a custom built back end, and you should expect to see significantly faster queries with it.

Right now the UI is a little bare-bones, but we intend to roll out new UI features based on user feedback, so please let us know if you have any suggestions or comments.



Awesome! This should save us a ton of time.

Faster! Thanks. I will like to have the actual date and time by default when opening the browser (or refresh it) in selection date. (suggestion)

And, can we stay on BETA version for a while?

Awesome! I can finally read the full error messages from Microsoft Graph. :slight_smile: Thanks @bubble team.

Hi John, thanks for the suggestion.

Regarding your question about staying on the beta version, we want to keep it on an opt-in basis for now, in case users for one reason or another prefer features of the old system. The plan is for us to replace the old server logs tab with our new one once we are confident the new system is an improvement overall.

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Hi @nickhil, nice to have a faster search. Can the result be sorted by timestamp (newest at top), or optionally by workflow?

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So much better than before.
Some errors I couldnt even trace, in the last few days i have cleaned up a tonne of things doing my head in

Good job

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+1 on sorting


Is API access on the cards.

It would be really nice to ping Slack when there are errors. Or pull them back on a dashboard ?


Yes please!