[New feature] Table element [beta]

Quick FYI - I have recently started using the “Repeating Group to CSV and XLS” plugin for table element downloads where needed.

I have some complex tables that use the Orchestra plugin for calculations/dynamic data actions, etc. so I can reference specific input boxes for specific columns/rows of the table, and I was getting incorrect exports using my original suggested method.

For straight forward tables my original suggestion works great.


Curious if you’ve made any additional progress on this. I’m having issues with laggy loading and scrolling on some larger tables. I’m still hoping Bubble is going to put some dev work into this element sooner than later.

In my app I thought I actually saw worse performance on the scrolling when doing the hidden RG as the data source.

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It’s not a great user experience, but I put the “export” button below the table, so the user has to scroll down and load all of the data multiple times.

Thanks for the response. I’ve started playing around with paginating, but there’s likely to be some tradeoffs of functionality of other portions of my app if I do that. More to come one day soon.

There are table element updates coming before end of year, and pagination was specifically mentioned as being part of this.

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Great thanks. Was that a post somewhere or just developer insight?

Product update livestream

Was there an update? @kate.mcnally is no longer active? @fede.bubble anyone we could nudge for an update on this feature?

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Nothing to share

@renatoasse, how amazing about the new update. I have the extension and it helped me A LOT when building my app.

Quick question: With this new element in the Bubble Essential Kit, is it possible for me to FILTER by the header? As ascending and descending

Hey @Sergiofojr ,

The Table Element in Bubble Essential Kit is exactly the same as Bubble’s. The only difference in Bubble Essential Kit’s elements is that they are already styled with nice colors, typography, sizing and spacing :slight_smile:


Where did you hear about this update? I need this. Also CSV export would be great.

@fede.bubble hello? is this topic/feature dead?

The update from 11 days ago is probably still the case @jefeoliveira22