The Mux team recently released Player Style video players featuring 10 unique themes that emulate the styles of popular platforms like Netflix, YouTube, Vimeo, and more. I whipped up a plugin to make these available in Bubble.
The plugin includes the following themes
A sleek and modern theme named after Mux’s favorite SF TV antenna.
Everything but the big red N and bus rides to Los Gatos.
Nostalgic media player inspired by a bygone era.
A fresh take on the classic Vimeo player design.
A homage to the modern YouTube player.
Demuxed 2022
A special theme created for Demuxed 2022.
Minimal controls, perfect for short content.
Strips the player down to the essentials for a simple viewing experience.
Retro vibes inspired by the classic Winamp player.
Mobile-first theme inspired by social media playback experiences.
Pushed another update to the plugin. Version 1.2 adds support for YouTube videos as a source for the video player, available across all 11 player styles.
Using YouTube as the Video Source
Set Media Type to YouTube – Change the media type to “YouTube.”
Enter the YouTube Video ID – Add the YouTube video ID to load the video.
Finding the YouTube Video ID
The YouTube video ID is the set of characters at the end of a YouTube URL. For example, in this URL:
Congrats @lola this is brilliant,
I tested it and liked it. I could not use it for now because it does not have an Aspect Ratio that can be utilized in a Responsive mode. But after it has been done, I probably can. Besides, when I use “Sutro,” for instance, others also come to the screen for a few seconds, especially when the broadband speed is slow. They are just friendly feedback. Apart from these, I really liked that. Thanks for it.