[New Plugin] - Circular Sliders

Hey everyone,

we’ve just released our “Circular Sliders” plugin.

This plugin allows you to add Circular Sliders to your Bubble application.

Features Include:

  • Set Minimum/Maximum value
  • Autobinding on parent group’s thing
  • Access to the current value
  • Tooltip displayed in the center of the slider
  • Set Initial Value
  • Enable Animations
  • Set Handle and Slider Shape
  • Specify color of handle, path and range
  • Specify the Radius (size) of the slider
    and more!

For a demo please visit:https://anticodeplugin.bubbleapps.io/roundslider
Plugin Page: https://bubble.io/plugin/circular-sliders-1583664204910x429905639247446000

Happy building!

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