[New Plugin]: Convert your Bubble App into a Progressive Webapp (PWA) + Offline Functionality with Service Workers


we are sorry to hear that you are not happy with the plugin.
The functionality of your bubble site remains unchanged, all our plugin does is that allows users to add the bubble app to the Home Screen, configure a splash screen, app icon, installing meta tags and showing the latest loaded content when being offline.
There is no way of directly “downloading” the app. As of now, you will have to add the app to the homescreen manually. But that applies to all PWAs. The plugin does not ( and cannot) change the navigation and feel of your bubble app.

Hi @alvarobenitez456 thanks for sharing!

But does it work completely offline for the desktop?


You can define the list of pages that should be cached by the browser. If a user then has no internet connection, the latest cached page will be displayed. So for example the user can still view a blog post without an internet connection.

Yes It worked, but this don’t work as should a pwa work, for example users should can download your app in mobile, but instead this pluggin add your website to mobile screen, but add you website to homescreem you can do it everytime clicking in browser menu. You get the offline working, but only the pages and information displayed when you had conection.
I got another job in pwaconverter.com , do the same and really let users download your app in mobile and when the user load first time your website, ask for download application.

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Hello Alvaro, PWAs can’t be downloaded. I believe you are actually referring to a native mobile (wrapped bubble app). Use Progressive Web Apps - Android - Google Chrome Help

Hi @alvarobenitez456 , thanks very much for your feedback!I understand that bubble has a serious problem related to service worker file, it does not let us save it in the root, and redirect it to amazon S3.

Só it seems that the pluggin: Convert your Bubble App into a Progressive Webapp (PWA) + Offline Functionality with Service Workers, worked around with this but is limited to home screen and only show offline, last pages visited. So it does not install the pwa nor have a pre-cache.

I understand the limitations, but this might work for me… thanks só much for the explanation.



Hi @Anticode , I am very keen buying the pluggin: Convert your Bubble App into a Progressive Webapp (PWA) + Offline Functionality with Service Workers.

In my case I need it to work completely offline for desktop windows, using chrome, after the first access online.

Does the plugin works for my case?



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when setting up the plugin you can define all the pages that should be cached on page load, so you can add all the pages of your application. This will allow users to see the last loaded version of the site, even without an internet connection. However there will be no functionality’s (creating things, database updates, Workflows etc). We would recommend to just try the plugin by subscribing to it and seeing if it fits your use case. Plugin subscriptions are prorated, which means that If you only subscribe to the plugin for a day and then unsubscribe , you will only pay for the day.

Hi @Anticode , thanks very much for the suggestion, I will do it!

Do you think it would ever be possible to have offline functionality and be able to save locally then update when connection comes back? Is it just a matter of developing a plug-in?


Hmm Im not quite sure about that. Maybe it’s possible to save the data locally and then send it over to Bubble when theres a connection using the Bubble Data API. We will definitely look into that.


Nice job. I need my app to work offline so this is going to be excellent for my use

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Nice job. I need my app to work offline so this is going to be excellent for my use

Hi @alvarobenitez456 . The link pwaconverter.com you provided does not work. Can you give the correct link, I’m interested to see.

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sorry made mistake https://pwaconverter.tech/

Thank you. I wanted to try it for a long time. Now I will definitely do it.

Perfect mate, and this guy is from Ukrania too!!

I seen your link but there’s not Add to screen prompt message comes up.
I am interested in your plugin if it supports it.

Hello no this is not directly included but you can easily build that in bubble by showing a pop up on page load with an install prompt

Great , but will I be able to have a button triggers the install through a workload? Because I seen it before on different plugin they just want you to ask the user to click on chrome menu and install it etc.