Seems like an interesting plugin! Good Job
Thank you
Will take a look into this in the next build
Maybe try using the livetext’s value as source for a different number type of input?
Hey @gaurav
Great plugin. But I’m having an issue with using this on a field that is auto-binding. Please see below for GIF, the top number/counter is normal text counter and the below one is using the livetext - after a page refresh or coming back to the page, shows the default value…
Is this behaviour correct or perhaps a setup issue on my part?
Ah the plugin doesn’t support auto-binding since its’ not an ‘input’ event
Okay thanks for the reply - I’ll think of a workaround
Awesome plugin! just a small notice - the livetext that this plugin generates won’t work on Microsoft edge. (Just like anything, really…)
This is awesome! Can this be edited to send text instead of numbers? What I mean is if I type can it send the exact text I am typing live?
Another wonderful plugin @gaurav. Unfortunately can’t get it to work if nested or in a REU (anymore?). Seems it has to be direct child of main-page. on the page. Is this worth fixing?
Seems like the same bug mentioned above. Works intermittently. When I add a “clear livetext” event it breaks, when I use it’s input in a custom function it breaks.
Is there anyway to update the text manually? I am using javascript to update an input’s value, is there a way the livetext can be updated as well? Since I’m not actually typing into the input, the value is not updating. The user would have to actually focus on the input and hit some keys before the livetext updates. I’ve tried putting livetext in a group and resetting the group to no avail.
Great plugin Gaurav!
The only issue that plugin is not working on reusable pages
Hi @oleksiy
It works for Reusable Elements, so maybe you should try this.
Hello @eren
Thank you for confirmation that it works. Of course I have tried already suggustion from Gaurav, but can’t get it working inside the reusable element.
In the app I’m working on right now, it works fine within two Reusable Elements. In rare cases, plugins may conflicts.
To test, you can create an app from scratch and use it in a Reusable element without using any other plugins. If it works, you can get a copy of the current app, remove all plugins, install one by one, and figure out which one conflicts. Then you decide which plugin is more valuable.
Thank you for a good point! I will definatelly try this way
For using the plugin within a reusuable element you sometimes have to do the following trick:
Uncheck the ‘this element is visible on page load’ in the appearance tab on the livetext
element and then create a condition on the element as per the screenshot.
This isn’t supported at this time. If you use Javascript to update the element, it doesn’t throw any javascript event by default. Maybe you can have a look at this thread and see if you can get it working, if you haven’t already.
Hey all,
We just pushed a new update to the initial text plug-in.
For those of you who’ve run into issues with Initial Content in inputs or not being able to guarantee that the plugin will detect your input, I’m happy to announce that the newest version (2.0.0) of the plugin will now work for both of these use cases without having to worry about element conditions or when the plugin is visible.
The way that the initial content and inputs are detected is by searching for them on the page until they appear, so if the livetext element is visible long before the target input, it will slow down your app a bit.
In order to decrease the overhead if you already have the old version of the plugin set up and want to use the new version, I’ve added a checkbox to disable searching for initial content.
If your inputs are all visible around the same time that the plugin element becomes visible (within a second or two), you shouldn’t notice any significant difference in performance.
Here is a test page which shows how I’d recommend setting up the plug-in, as well as a repeating group which lets you see how the element affects rendering of repeating groups:
Test page live URL
Test page editor
Thanks and happy Bubbling!