[NEW PLUGIN] MailCraft - No-code email builder

Perfect, got it scheduled now :ok_hand:

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Is it possible to use dynamic data in the templates, so I can use the created template to send e-mails from the backend workflows?

Yes. It supports custom fields. In the email builder, just add |CUSTOM_FIELD|
then replace it with whatever you like before you send it

Yeah with find and replace then do you mean?

Very useful plugin! Thanks!

Is it possible to integrate with Postcards email builder from here https://designmodo.com/postcards/ ?

Exacly, with find and replace

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Im not sure what you mean. That’s a different email builder

Is this plugin still available? The plugin link appears broken.

Yeah, it’s still available. No idee why but you can’t find it in the plugins list.
I send a rerelease version for testing again and i’m waiting to get it sorted out.
Will return with an update when I have one.

Thanks for letting me know! :smiley:

The link is still not working.

Hello everyone and thank you for your patience!

After long back-and-forths with the bubble support team, I finally managed to get the plugin back up online.