🎙 New plugin - MasterVoice (now free)

Give orders to your app!
Now you can do it with MasterVoice plugin that allows to add “words” or “tags” that will trigger the actions you wish.

Extremely configurable and easy to use.
Also works for native apps!

Link to plugin: MasterVoice Plugin | Bubble
Documentation, demo & editor: MasterVoice Plugin for Bubble | Zeroqode

Update 20-th of Feb 2019:
This plugin has been acquired by Zeroqode - for any support queries please mention @ZeroqodeSupport in your post


Hi Yusaney,

Thanks for this awesome plugin. Does your plugin send the voice recording back to your API / Server or does everything happen locally?

Thank you,

1 Like

Thanks, @gilles, I’m glad you like it!
The plugin has a javascript library inside, that analyze the word/tags and answer directly inside the plugin.
All the things happen inside the plugin/your app. It doesn’t connect to external server-side/API sends the word and gets an answer or something like that.

So basically when you install the plugin, you get the javascript library added to your app, so everything happens in your app :star_struck:

Best regards.

1 Like

This is great, thank you!

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Hi @yusaney1,

the plugin isn’t available. Thanks.

Hello, that’s werid … i suppose you are not on free plan right?

By the way, please don’t subscribe to the plugin, after a deep meditation we decided to make those plugins free for everyone. So please, don’t purchase it, until bubble changes the license of those plugins to free. We sent them the request.



Very generous to the community @yusaney1


Updated :studio_microphone:


This plugin has been taken over by Zeroqode - for any support queries please mention @ZeroqodeSupport in your post

Levon Terteryan

Founder @ Zeroqode


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Can this plugin be used for building a comic book app and reading aloud where the plugin can hear your words and give you instant feedback on if you are reading correctly?