Hey Mukesh, thank you for your questions. What you’re looking for is simply “a good search engine”. My plugin coupled with either Algolia or Typesense addressed most or all of those problems. The aspects it may struggle with the most are the ability to search with keywords being in different order than what is in texts but even that is addressed to a degree. They also return hits regardless of spelling mistakes (up to an amount) but synonym search is something our solution cannot do out of the box - you would have to add synonyms to a new field as you suggested.
Another aspect to consider is whether your ideal plugin in question can respect Privacy Rules you’ve added to your datatypes. Our plugin does whereas most alternative search plugins do not.
That said, as long as your record count is low, you can likely get away with using the Quick Find plugin. However, once your record count begins to get closer to 1000, you’ll want to switch over to something like Scious Search since most existing solutions that don’t employ a dedicated search engine like Typesense or Algolia will begin to really slow down your page (at page load).
I hope that helps!