🚀[NEW PLUGIN] Table / Grid "Tabulator"

Do option sets not work or am I setting it up wrong?


Yes plugin works with option set.

In fact, everything is very simple.
Here’s a simple example I made:

you can go to the editor (OPEN IN EDITOR) and see how everything is configured and connected.

Is that what you mean? Or did I misunderstand you?

I want to use Option Sets that are a field in a thing e.g. Thing = “Task”, Field = “Status”, Field Type = Options Set with values “Done”, “Doing”, “To Do” etc. Then display those options in the table to be modified.

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Do you know if there is one issue with tracking database, because I selected this option, but it does not update, unless I press F5. So it looks like the system is not working


It’s hard to say why this is happening. Very little information. I don’t know how your plugin is connected.

I created a test application with full access and included the “Table / Grid” Tabulator "plugin.
You can try changing the data in the database and you will see an instant update of the table.

Please see if you have a different connection.
And if you have some other connection, then the application is at your complete disposal and you can connect as you have connected. And then I’ll try to figure out what’s going on.

I sent you a link to the test application in a private message.



A new version 1.7.0 has been released.

  • Minor fixes for Spanish localization.
  • conditional formatting has been extended from 2 to 5conditions.

Hello @MindForApps

I am planning to purchase the tabulator plugin and i have a question:

I understand one can update the database through the plugin with the workflow connection, however I would like to know if one can create an item in the database by adding a row or delete an item in the database by deleting a row.

I would like to avoid having a dialog box pop up for creating (or deleting) new entries and just do it directly with the tabulator table. It would be a great help for my users.

Will be attentive to your comments. Thanks for the attention :slightly_smiling_face:

Adding and removing lines is done through the context menu.
I have created a demo page. I connected the Table / Grid “Tabulator” plugin there. In workflows, I have connected delete and add rows.
This application is fully accessible. I sent you a link to this application in private messages.

The application will be at your disposal for a while. You can try connecting other functions (for example, changing the value and others). You can make other connections by analogy with our main demo page and use our documentation:

You can add or remove data.
Try it, experiment.
I think this will help you.

If you have any questions, please contact.


Your plug-in is really great! thank you.
I have 3 questions

1- I would like to use workflow>click a row to open a pop-up. But I am not able to setup “Data to display”.

2- Why this column is “null”

3-I don’t want to see (invalid data) when my field is empty, so I change it . Unfortunately, no change is taking into account.

You may find in your mailbox something about the question 1 :wink:
Thank you for your help

I have solved my question 1: How to open a pop-up by clicking a row. Here is my solution that may useful for other people:

I described the connection in detail in the answer to your email. But I see that you yourself have found the answer.

If this field is from related tables, then this will not work. When we were developing this plugin, we had to abandon this feature in favor of others (for example, the ability to have an unlimited number of columns and the ability to customize each column separately from the others). Sorry, but that’s the only way.

Yes, it was a conflict with “conditions”.
Now I have fixed everything.
Image 24

Thank you for paying attention to this.

please update the plugin:
version 1.8.1

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thank you for your answers.
Related to the question 2: Does it mean that it doesn’t work with option set too? Currently, I am working a lot with option set.
best, Elena


I see that you are trying to display a list of users in a table. The table can display only lists of primitives (texts and numbers), and the list of users is a list of objects.

You can create an additional field in your database, for example, e-mail addresses (a list of texts). And then you can display this list in a table.

Please visit the test page (I sent you a link to it in my private messages). There I connected a list of email addresses.

In the column settings, select the formatter = textarea
Image 25

In the settings of the main element (tabulator), you can choose how to separate the list items: display items separated by commas or display each item on a new line.
Image 26

If you want to connect relational databases, then as I wrote in the answer above, this will not work. The plugin works only with the fields of one table and will not display the fields of the connected other tables.

Good luck.

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Hi @MindForApps

You really are giving great support :slight_smile: !

I have one question. I understand how the database is changed after a value is changed in a row.

However I would like to make all the changes in the database at once after pressing a confirmation button after all the desired changes in the table are done.

Is there a way to do this just with the tabulator actions? i am currently testing this with an API workflow but i am not able to test it as i am not in a paid plan yet. i am sure my api logic is ok but not so sure about the "tabulator v1.5.0 A´scellValueText usage.

If this is possible just with tabulator actions it would be really great. Additionally i would not like my API workflow to go through all the instances of the data but just the ones with the rows that had changes in the table, is this possible?

Please your kind support.

Hey, jdiazarmas!

The scheme you are trying to implement will not work.
The point is that the plugin is not intended for batch writing data. It will not be possible to make changes to the data in the table, and then, by clicking on the button, write these changes to the database.
Data is written to the database immediately after changing the value in the cells.

here is a connection example from the main demo page:

The “Value changed” action tracks changes in the table cells.
by rowUniqueId we get the “unique id” of the row in which the changes took place.
the “Only when …” condition defines the cell in which the value has changed.
the changed value is written to the database.

In the screenshot: we track the changes in the cells with the title “Name” and as soon as the value changes, it is immediately written to the database.

Here is a link to the workflow of the main plugin demo page:

Unfortunately, batch data recording is not provided.

Thank you @MindForApps

I have an additional question:

I have prepared a custom filter but i am having troubles with preparing range filters. Let´s say I have:

element (filter-field) - element (filter-type) - element (filter-value)
so i would put: attribute > x value

My doutb arises when i need to have a filter with attritbute > x value AND attribute < y value

as each element ID is unique and the custom filter section of tabulator is able to point one ID attribute per custom filter field, how should i attack this problem?

Nevermind @MindForApps this is solved by header filters (basic solution). To everyone just put on each column the type of header filter you want:

and you get the desired result:


min max are enabled also as options:


Hi @MindForApps

I understand linked tables are not supported. So attributes of things within a bigger thing can’t be shown on the bigger thing table.

How can this situation be approached with your plugin? Or in any case do you have any similar plug-in that support linked tables?

We connect a table (for example, main) to the plugin, which contains all the necessary data, not in the form of links to other tables, but in the form of values. That is, if we have linked tables, then writing data to them, we immediately write (duplicate) the data to our table (main).

We also have another table plugin that allows you to work with related data. It’s no better or worse than that, it’s just different. And there is a completely different principle of operation, a different design, there is no way to configure each column separately, there is a limit on the number of columns (20). But there are also a number of advantages.
Look at it and maybe it is exactly what will suit you.


@MindForApps what is the roadmap for clickable elements (buttons) to be supported in a cell, would be a great addition :slight_smile: