As I always saw people complaining about the lack of dynamic vertical alignment, and I never aligned anything below myself, I never thought about it! But I can add! Let’s solve the problems! hehe
You are right. I pushed a update that enables now vertically center Things (groups, images, shapes, etc) and 2 new elements for Vertical Center Text and Vertical Right Text.
If you want text at left, use Vertical Things normally.
No. Element width in Bubble is hard, due to it fixed width div system, but it is what makes Bubble so easy to place things at screen and see exactly it at preview/live versions.
I have tried using your plugin to centre an image inside a group but it seems it centres it according to a higher parent and not the immediate parent group which creates a problem.
How can I centre according to the direct parent?
Is there a way to deactivate the plugin with workflows? I would like to keep the intro group (page) as always vertically centered on various screen sizes (aligned to the page height) but really need other groups (pages) to behave normally. I’ve tried various hacks, my most hopeful one was simply only having it “active” in certain situations through a workflow but can’t get it work. I’m guessing it’s a Bubble issue? Can you think of any way I can do this? Otherwise, fantastic job, thanks!