New Responsive Engine [beta] is Live!

We have no plans to deprecate the old system.


Without the drag and dropping, weā€™re so screw*d. Honestly even Webflow allows the drag and dropping and their system uses a container too. :laughing:


I know right, personally I felt like the whole selling point of Bubble as a no-code tool is the drag and drop feature


Have you submitted a bug report for this yet? Weā€™ve addressed some instances of this happening, but its possible youā€™ve discovered another edge case.

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Yeah Iā€™m getting the same, I also canā€™t seem to toggle anything thatā€™s a Group Focus type at all, even using the debugger, clicking on buttons that reference a Group Focus doesnā€™t do anything.

Also, my Menu/Header which is a combination of Floating Groups, popups/Focus Groups/Groups when converted is a total abomination and doesnā€™t work at all like it did previously. Iā€™ve spent hours trying to get it to work like it used to but I just canā€™t get it, so Iā€™ve reverted everything from today. While a lot of the new options are nice, I think Iā€™ll be putting off converting anything until itā€™s a little more polished, the menu is the heart of my app and I really donā€™t want to completely re-do it.

Also, the inspect feature in the debugger doesnā€™t seam to draw anything on items that have been converted.

:heart: MY GAWD, the added control over repeating groups isā€¦ delicious!

The conversion process was nearly perfect.
TIP: guys, be aware of the automatic margins that Bubble will set to various elements to try and keep things just like you designed them.

Screen Shot 2021-11-04 at 13.16.08

Example. Here it added 160 px margin to push an element I had on the right side of a group. Delete that margin and instead, shift elements to the right and then add a little right margin:


This will ensure that things look great when resizing the page.

Thatā€™s really all that I found not intuitive. Everything else was a very easy process.

AMAZING work Bubble team!! Faith restored!


I havenā€™t yet, but I will do so. :+1:

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Yes! This is absolutely game changer for me, a lot of work ahead, but Iā€™m exciting to learn. :face_with_monocle:

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Yay! I canā€™t wait to try it out :slight_smile:

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This is absolutely fantastic news! From the first glimpses of the new responsive engine, this is clearly going to reduce development time significantly. And also increase the power of building apps at the same time. Well done bubble dev team!


Guys, drag things itā€™s horrible and inefficient, because you need to adjust everything all the alignments and responsive behavior. With this new feature every element follows a rule and the design becomes efficient, that way you donā€™t need to keep doing small adjustments on every single element. It takes some time to understand it but give it a chance and you will be surprised


When the page is fixed width, you can drag and drop without an issue. By default, most people will probably start a page like that.

When you start thinking in rows and columns, it becomes easier. I will be doing some videos soon too. I hope it will help some people out with the responsiveness. Itā€™s a learning curve for sure. The first time I looked at it, I couldnā€™t figure anything out.

After watching someone work with it, it became easier. The videos that Bubble made so far have been very helpful.

Just remember the first time you used Bubble, there was a learning curve. You will pick it up soon. No worries. :blush:


I agree with this 100%. I have Repeating Groups with 10 groups inside a rowā€¦ With the old engine, when one decreases size, I have to update the size on ALL of them (painstakingly, I might add). With the new engine, much less time.


One hack Iā€™ve used ever since I discovered List Shifter is to make every RG just 1 row, 1 column. And let List Shifter control it all. Tons easier to update the design of 1 group instead of 1 group + the RG + stuff around it.

One improvement Iā€™ve asked the Bubble crew: let me set dynamic text elements with actual data. So instead of having this parent's Thing's items: count just have 7 or 42.


Submitted a ticket. :white_check_mark:

From what Iā€™ve seen, the bug affects floating groups only - the rest of the elements Iā€™ve tried have worked just fine.

Amazing work, guys. Thanks very much for that! :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

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I canā€™t wait to start using! So excited to see what new possibilities are unlocked and what the Bubble team has put together.

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Just submitted a bug report - have been tinkering with the behavior or two columns (side by side) in a row where the row has a max-width and is centered. Has anyone else run into funky behavior while working with a design like this?

Have you guys seen any page loading improvements after the new responsive engine?


What an awful update, I cant freely move around elements now? How stup*dā€¦