I’m pleased to announce my first template: SEO-Friendly Blog with Ads
The SEO-friendly blog with Ads template is an incredibly flexible template that allows Bubblers to quickly create a blog site that is tuned to maximise SEO and generate revenue through Google Adsense. PLEASE SEE THE SET UP INSTRUCTIONS BELOW.
The core of the template is the Blog Builder tool which allows a blog author to build up a blog or article section by section in a way that maximises the likelihood of Google bots identifying and indexing the key content. In addition to this, the template is set up to allow simple code snippets from Google Adsense to be dropped into the right places for both ‘banner’ ads that span across a page and ‘display ads’ that slot in to your articles in the places that you want.
This template came about as a result of weeks of frustrating research and testing to work out how a Bubble app can get good rankings on Google.
This template includes the following SEO features:
- Blog Article Structured Data for Rich Snippets in search results
- A Title Tag that tells users and Search Engines what the topic of the webpage is
- Headings tagged as H1 to H5 that can be easily identified for good SEO blog structure
- Formatting for articles (font, font size, colour etc of headers and paragraph text) can be specified via a simple admin menu.
- Alt text attached to each blog image SEO-friendly URLs
All these attributes have been tested and checked using the free tools on seoptimer.com
In addition:
- Categories/tags can be added to articles allowing users to quickly search for articles they are interested in.
- Blogs can be saved as draft until ready for publishing.
- Only published blogs will show on the site.
- Blogs have Meta data that will be used to show information (and an image) of the article when sharing on social media platforms.
- The template has been built on the new responsive Bubble engine and is fully responsive.
- A navigation menu has been included.
- Pages have been included for About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Admin.
- Additional blank pages include so developers can easily expand their apps.
- In the Admin menu, Blogs can be built and edited, site-wide formatting can be set, and text for the About Us pages etc can be set - this makes it super fast to get going with a blog site with minimal configuration.
- Users can log in to add comments to articles.
- The template has been set up with articles being publicly accessible. Log in only required to add comments.
- A Profile page has been included so users can edit their username and photo and can quickly see and link to all comments they have made on blogs.
To demo the template as an administrator, please use the following log in credentials:
Link: MySite
Email: demo@test.com
Password: 123demo
All aspects of the template can be viewed via the demo with the exception of:
the Google Adsense Ads. This is because Google will only allows ads on a site where you own the domain and therefore Ads won’t work unless you have set a custom domain in Bubble (and therefore have a paid plan on Bubble). However, this site was built on an earlier version of the template and you can see how the ads are presented: https://bestwishes.cards/blog/free-christmas-ecards-vs-traditional-paper-cards. Please note that Google have various criteria that a site needs to pass before being accepted for Ads, including that the content needs to be of good quality. Whilst the template includes the correct structure for Google Ads, we cannot guarantee that your own site will pass all of Google’s criteria.
Displaying meta data on social media sites. This will only work on a paid Bubble subscription as the free version doesn’t allow you to edit the metadata. However you can see how this works using the link above. Copy the link to a Facebook post and you will see the image and text associated with the page.
Other tips:
- Make sure your site has the sitemap exposed. (Settings, SEO/metatags, Expose a sitemap file) Set up
- Set up Goole Analytics to be able to track how people are using your site
This template uses free plugins. For support, please email info@redhawkapps.com.
Set up instructions
Once you have purchased the template and set up your site:
Log in to your app as a regular user and then go into the Data section of the Bubble editor and change the admin field for yourself to ‘Yes’.
You should then be able to access the Admin page of the site via the site menu. Once you are on the Admin page, go to the Site Settings view. Here you will need to update a range of attributes for your site such as the site name, imagery and text for your privacy policy and about us pages.
You can then go to the Site Formatting view and set the formats for the different Headers of your blog and the standard paragraph text.
Any questions, please let me know.