Just released a New template to the marketplace. It is the Blog Builder - SEO Juice Booster template.
This template provides incredible versatility in creating blog articles whose content structure is customizable.
No more standard one size fits all blog article structure. With the Blog Builder, you can build the body of your blog article to fit the article content. Sometimes you want 15 images in a row and sometimes you don’t want any images at all. With the Blog Builder, you can Build it.
Here is a Video Demonstration of how to Build a Blog with the Blog Builder
Not only does the template provide the ultimate in versatility, but the power of the SEO Juice Boost will help provide your app with the bump you need to get it ranked on the first page of Google.
Hi Boston
When you install can you simply add it to a new page within an existing app? It looks simple to use and I am interested in installing but may need some help.
Yes this template can be integrated into an existing app. There are a couple pages and several reusable elements that would need to be brought over. The process can take from 3 - 6 hours dependent on your familiarity with Bubble and the process of integrating components from other apps into another app.
I provide integration services. If you are interested please send a private message for more details.
Hi @boston85719 I have an existing app and want to add a blog to a subfolder (websitename.com/blog) Is this possible with your template to install directly into a subfolder? Thanks!
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Also, feel free to play around with the demo version of the template to understand more about its functions and features.
Thanks! I will have to figure out how to incorporate the template into the subfolder as I thought you could only apply a template to a new site. I’m sure it’s possible I just haven’t done it yet.
I played around and really like the functionality. Is there capability for a logged in user to add comments to a blog post? Also, is there a way to perform a search across all the content to find a specific Blog post or is it limited to sorting?
Integrating to existing project is matter of copying elements and workflows and pasting over. Not complicated but takes some time to ensure get all and resolve for issues.
The template doesn’t have comments or search, but can be added to your project after integrating.
Hey looking at this and thinking about picking it up, any one have any postive experience with this? Wondering if its worth it. REally just interested in it due to the SEO setup as I know I can replicate this functionality but not the SEO… Since why I’m creating a blog cause my SEO sucks!
The SEO utilizes Bubbles built in On page SEO settings. Has structured data in header. Uses links and has ability to use Header tags for text of posts, as well as alt tags for images. Pretty much anything it does to help with SEO can be replicated. The reason to purchase is to avoid the time it takes to put it all together.
If the cost of the template is less than what 25 hours of your time is worth, then it’s a good purchase.
In the template itself, the scores are affected by dummy data used in examples, as well as not optimizing the colors of the template for accessibility.
Below are screen shots from a template example blog
Most of the issues in there are related to the dummy data or the colors for the template. However, some things in the template need to be adjusted like use of H4 text for image caption. The links not having name is Bubble issue that needs to be using a workaround that the template needs to be updated for, which is to use ID attributes and/or tool tip on hover (I forget which needs to be done for which element types Bubble doesn’t expose a name for which were a few).
Below is from an app of mine that uses the same system.
In the above, if I update the color contrast and remove the H4 text as image caption the Accessibility will be 100%.
Performance is something that is up and down depending on the day, device or browser. I’ve seen as high as 70 (reported to me by Bubble support when testing errors I reported) but the highest I’ve seen on my device is 65, but average is above 50.
Some Bubble issues that do not necessarily impact scores, but does show up as an error is below. Bubble still has yet to fix these since I notified them in June 2024. Bubble support recommended testing in incognito window based on this article.