No-code developer

Hi Guys I am interested in becoming a developer. Which course apart from the Docs would you suggest I do on bubble in order to be well informed. I have been following the Getting started with bubble but not yet done.

@MattN course is the Best


Thank you so much, just had a look at the website and its exactly what I need.

If you are just starting out I’d recommend “Building with Bubble” course by @lachlankirkwood1 right after you complete Bubble’s basics tutorials. This is a series of courses actually where you learn to build 10s of clones of various popular apps like Airbnb, Quickbooks, Tinder, Zillow, etc. Since each app has it’s own set of features, this course will help you get a good foundation for most of the features that you may need in your client apps. I myself used this approach and got really good and speedy results both in terms of learning and earning.

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