Page Load Error?

I have an app I made for work. I noticed today what seems like a long load time from the logon page (index) to user page, 43 seconds.
I do not think this has always been like this, this seems to be a relatively new behavior.

In the chrome console, I see a 502 error come up. (see screen shot).
Could this be contributing to my problem? Any idea has to how to track down what might be causing this error?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Hey I ran it without plug ins in preview, then switched back again and both dev and live are now pretty quick, 3 seconds to load. But I did not change anything on my end at all!

Anyone have any idea what might have been causing the slowdown?

Hey @ratsoundsystems

Thanks for the post and sorry for the behavior you ran into here.

Unfortunately, without the ability to reproduce the behavior, it can be hard to know exactly what might have been going on. That being said, we’d love to take a look if you encounter this again. If it comes back, please consider submitting a bug report and we’d be happy to dig in.

By the way, if you end up with any additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly at

Thanks for getting back to me. I was pretty sure it was a plug-in problem, which it was.
Thus I figured it was not a problem for Bubble Support.
It just took a while to figure out which plug in was having problems.

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